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Imogen Pickton, Account Manager at Veritas

Imogen Pickton speaks to The Industry Leaders about her work and what she's learned on her entrepreneurial journey.

What's Your Story?

My name is Imogen and I’ve been in marketing since the summer of 2021. Once I finished my A levels I decided to try freelancing to build up my portfolio whilst also building my personal brand.

It was scary to take the risk and give working for myself a try but I’m so glad that I did.

After a few months, this led me to my current role as Account Manager at Veritas, we are an agency that specialises in helping highly technical and STEM brands build engaged online communities. We’ve found that there is a misconception that content marketing isn’t possible for those industries and we are showing that they can build a community through consistent, insightful content. Our clients are great and I feel lucky to be part of such a lovely team!

You can travel back in time to Day 1 of your business or career - what advice would you give to younger-you, knowing what you know now?

I would tell my younger self to just go for what you want and not let doubt or insecurity hold you back. When I first joined LinkedIn and began to build my personal brand I was only getting one or two likes per post and I wasn’t sure what topics to write about.

I was worried that people wouldn’t be interested in what I have to say and for a while struggled to find my place online.

When you’re seeing so many posts of people sharing their successes, saying they are hitting 5k or 10k months it’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparing your own progress to that. I wish I knew then that being young or inexperienced didn’t mean I couldn’t build a personal brand and that there would be people enjoying my content and finding value in it.

My best advice would be to apply for things, put yourself forward for opportunities, and don’t let that worry hold you back!

What one book or podcast changed your life?

I really enjoy the Diary of a CEO podcast and would definitely recommend it! I find it really helpful to hear about the career journey of successful and influential people and learning how they have got to the position they are in now.

I’m still really early on in my career as I’ve only been in marketing for just over a year so I find it really inspiring to see what others have achieved. Everyone has ups and downs in their career, so it’s great to hear the authentic journey as there are lessons and advice that I can take away from it.

Editor's note: Read about the journeys of influential women in business we've interviewed, like Nancy Duarte, Imogen Cowell, and Kara Goldin.


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