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Kerry Madgwick, Holistic Therapist: Founder of Kerry's Natural Health Solutions

Kerry Madgwick is a Holistic Therapist and the Founder of Kerry's Natural Health Solutions. Kerry took some time out to talk to The Industry Leaders about how she overcame the challenge of starting a business in a new country and a new industry, and the importance of failure.

How did you end up sitting where you are today?

In overcoming my own health challenges due to the stress of moving country and then setting up my own business there, I found solutions for my physical health and stress and mild depression. These were natural and permanent solutions for me, but they took a long time to find and were not readily available without in-depth research.

I became passionate about sharing these solutions and making them available to anyone else having the same challenges and looking for long-term solutions. I began my training as a Clinical Nutritional Therapist, and along the way of changing my health and with my training, I discovered the importance of the Mind/Body connection. Because of this, I trained as a clinical hypnotherapist and Trauma Release Practitioner.

With all of these changes in direction in my business, I also found that I had built up a great deal of resilience and was able to make these pivots more and more easily. Now I can share that experience with my clients to help them on their journey to optimal health and happiness, and so here I am today: loving what I do and on a mission to help as many people as I can be the best version of themselves.

What kind of work does your role involve?

I empower women to release stress and trauma, resolve their health issues and manage their mind. This helps them change how the past plays out in their future to become the best version of themselves.

I run group programmes and see clients on a 1 -to-1 basis for both hypnotherapy and nutrition separately and sometimes combine the two. I also deliver talks about Health and Wellbeing, including diet, lifestyle and managing your mind, to various groups.

It is possible to achieve change with simple and easy steps, and I love to help clients understand and learn simple tricks and techniques that work and help them achieve their goals and live with excellent health and happiness.

What gets you excited about your industry?

The opportunity to help as many women as possible take back control of their health and happiness and show them it can be easy! I love combining nutrition and hypnotherapy and get excited to see the transformations my clients experience.

To see someone going from struggling with sleep, stress, anxiety, energy levels, and just surviving to overcoming these challenges, creating resilience and thriving and then the ripple effect on those around them is just magical.

What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?

One of the best pieces of advice I received was 'fail' stands for First Attempt In Learning. Failure is a great way to learn.

I think we live in a society where failure is seen as something to be avoided, but one way we learn is by failing. As long as we don't repeat it, we are learning and growing. Failure is OK as long as you learn from it.

What, or who inspires you?

I am inspired by my clients, their commitment and the changes they achieve. I strongly believe in walking my talk and always aim to be an example to my clients and inspire them as much as they inspire me.

I am also a keen cyclist, and I am inspired by sports professionals who are dedicated to their sport, achieve greatness, and be supportive to others in their sport and the broader community.

How do you keep up to speed with what's happening in your industry?

I keep up by attending online training, working with business mentors within the industry, attending online events and conferences, and listening to Podcasts and Tedx Talks by leaders in my industry. I also commit to sharing experiences with others within my industry and related industries that may impact my clients, myself and my business.

What was the most challenging project or situation you've overcome?

The most challenging situation I have had to overcome is starting a business from nothing, twice.

The first time we had to move country and, due to circumstances, had to start all over again literally with nothing. The second time I completely changed industries and had to start all over again.

The lessons I learned from these challenges were:

1. Be grateful for the experience and learnings.

2. Take one day at a time.

3. Have a strong support system in place.

5. Manage your mind and physical health for resilience.

6. Build multiple streams/sources of income so if you lose one, you still have other sources of income

You finish work today and step outside the office to find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?

I love what I do and would carry on serving my clients. I would hire someone to help with my marketing to reach and educate more women. I would set up a charity to educate children and adults on how to manage their mind for resilience, optimal health and happiness.

On a personal note, I would arrange for my husband to play golf at Augusta National Golf Course.

How do you switch off after a day at work?

Spending time with my husband or doing some form of exercise: pilates, cycling (preferably outdoors) or going for a walk. Although mostly nutrition, mindset, and neuroscience-related,

I love to read. I think it is important even in downtime to have activities to protect my mental health, so I also love card making.

If you had one wish for the future of your industry, what would it be?

For Nutrition, Hypnotherapy, Meditation to be acknowledged and promoted as part of the "mainstream" healthcare system. I want this to be a reality rather than being seen as an alternative treatment option though, even though they have all been proven by science, there is still some resistance.

To change the narrative around diets, dieting and mental health to talk about healthy long term lifestyle habits and changes rather than a short term "quick fix" that create more challenges than they solve.

What book or podcast should everyone know about?

My book, of course ;)

After that, it would have to be the first book I ever read after attending a keynote speech at a conference by Larry Winget and his book that got me on the path to discovering I could control my mind - "Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get a Life".


Dr Mark Hyman - The Doctors Farmacy

Broken Brain with Dhru Purohit‬

How should people connect with you?

Instagram: @kerrym212

Twitter: @kerrym212

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