Rachel Pesso, Founder of RP Creative

Rachel Pesso is the founder of RP Creative. We create custom visual brands that evoke
Emotion & Authentic Connection
What's your industry?
Visual Designer + Branding Studio Owner
For those who don't know anything about you or your work, can you provide a bit of background?
After art school at the School of Visual Arts in NYC I dove headfirst into freelancing as a graphic designer. I was designing for some amazing companies like Time Inc, Fortune Small Business Magazine, Ford Foundation and the Daily. I loved my experiences at each job and truly learned so much but I kept hearing a whisper that I meant for more. I knew energetically that I wasn’t even close to tapping into my creative potential.
In 2012, I decided to reconnect with a friend of mine from art school who was working with Marie Forelo. I was so impressed and inspired by her work that I knew that it was something I wanted to do too! My friend ended up mentoring me to launch my own business. This is one of the absolute best things I ever did was find a mentor to help me create my business. She took me through a branding and strategy process that I use with clients to this day!
I haven't looked back since the launch of my business. After a decade of working with industry leaders, RP Creative has honed a two-step process that’s guaranteed to take your brand to the next level.
What does an average day look like for you?
My day starts with grounding and gratitude. I lay on my infrared bio mat and do a 10-20min brain tap meditation. From there I either read a few pages in a book or journal. I often switch between these tasks based on how I am feeling. After that I move my body. I do some form of movement 4-5x a weeks and it includes walking or strength training or hop on the Peleton for a quick ride. I committed to moving my body everyday in some way.
As a creative and Aquarius I just commit to doing the things I love throughout the week. At 9am I am ready to start my day. I do 90 minute sprints of work and always make time for lunch. I have set some really strong boundaries in my business that keep me in alignment. The first one is no calls before 11am. That gave me time to ease into my day and harness my creative energy. I also always take Fridays off from client work and calls. This has been a game changer. Lastly, I stop work at 4:30pm. This gives me space to have play and fun added into my day :)
How do you balance the needs of your business with the needs of your personal life?
They go hand in hand for me as mentioned in the previous question I set strong business boundaries to make it so I can enjoy my personal life. I created my business so I can live an aligned life and impact more people. This was not always easy and took a few years to get it into alignment. The times I am most successful with my business are when I am integrating the fun and mindset work in my personal life. I also make sure the self care is infused into every day of my life. Even if that means 10 minutes of sun during my lunch break outside.
What's the best advice anyone ever gave you on your journey in business?
The best advice anyone ever gave me is that it is my duty to share my voice and gifts with others. I never thought about that before I started my business journey. The impact you can have on others when you share your voice/story, mission and vision is massive. Doing this in my own life has changed everything. I now feel more seen and heard by others, I get to help clients everyday share who they REALLY are so they connect with their ideal audience and missions. I know that others often think that everyone is out there doing what they do but the truth is as cliche as it sounds, there really is no one else out there life YOU :)
What's been the hardest part about the path you've taken and how would you advise someone facing a similar situation to overcome it?
I would say the hardest thing about the path I've taken was learning how to run a business. I didn't know anything about the world of entrepreneurship, I was a freelancer who just knew how to design. I struggled with it all the mindset stuff along with feast vs famine, staying aligned and motivated and wearing multiple hats. One thing that took me a while to grasp was being my own boss. I struggled with making decisions. It seems silly but I had to retrain my brain and remind myself that I get to decide. I get to decide what I want to do, the process, the deadline, the terms. This took me a few years to learn and many failed processes and f*ck ups.
Are there any well-known Books, Podcasts, or Courses that you credit your current success to?
Earn Your Happy Podcast with Lori Harder. Brand Thinking by Debbie Millman, You can Heal Your Life, Louise Hayes.
What do you think are the most important qualities for a successful business owner or executive to have?
I think managing your mindset and energy is everything when it comes to being successful. It's at the core of how to continue to grow and be successful. I would also say, integrity, sharing your truth and unique perspectives as well as having a strategic plan to follow that is aligned with your personal and professional vision.
What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out as a business owner?
The advice that I would give someone just starting out is find a mentor who is doing something similar to what you want to do. There is so much I learned by having a mentor show me the way and I think it prevented me from going through some additional hardships on my journey. Also follow your gut and intuition, not everyone is meant to follow the same path, so if it doesn't feel in alignment find something else that does. You get to choose :)
What are the top three things you think are essential for business success?
Mindset and Mentorship
Brand Strategy
Relationships, Partnerships and Collaborations
Do you think someone can be a great business owner without having many years of experience first?
I think in order to succeed in business you need experience. It's how we learn our processes, and the right solutions to offer our ideal customers. I think you can use your experience learned in other fields or areas that can bring you even more success as a business owner.
In general, do you think the world is producing better business owners in 2023 than it was fifty years ago?
I think so! We have so many more tools and having accessibility has really changed the game. It's a lot easier to learn from others than I think it was in the past. I think we still have more work to do - always but in comparison to fifty years ago, we have certainly improved.