5 Simple Questions to Manage Stress Before It Becomes a Crisis
Not even Olympic athletes compete in races every day – and they’re primed for competition and train at the highest levels every day. So, why is it that you think it is OK to push yourself to the limits, wake up with a list of things to do and fall asleep with less than half of it completed … and then continue to pile on the stress through your dreams (always assuming you can actually fall asleep)?
You brush stress aside and soothe yourself by saying ‘it’s only stress – I can handle it’. But the reality is that it’s more than that – and you know it.
Stress doesn’t just go away on its own. It builds. It seeps into your thoughts, your actions and, most worryingly, into your health. Ignoring it only gives it more power … until one day it becomes too late to turn it around and you find yourself face-to-face with a life crisis that will not stand for being ignored.
Somehow, being stressed has become the norm, and you’ve come to believe that you’re ‘allowed’ to stop only when you’re forced to stop – but not before.
But what if it doesn’t have to go that far? What if, instead, you gave yourself 15 minutes right now to ask a few simple questions that matter? The kind of questions that make you stop and think. Questions that cut through the noise and get to the heart of what’s wrong.
These questions aren’t easy; in fact, they’re guaranteed to challenge you to look at the reality of your situation. They demand honesty and reflection, but they also offer you buckets of hope. They give you a chance to choose to change course before it’s too late.
So, what are the questions that manage stress?
Questions are powerful. They provide you with a space to find new information, see new perspectives and open new pathways forwards. But where do you start?
The answer is found in finding simple questions that enable you to find simple steps forwards. So, here are five fantastic examples of simple but extremely powerful questions that can help you see the world in a different way.
Question 1: Am I Ignoring My Body’s Signals?
Your body talks to you all the time. A tightness in your chest. That nagging headache. The way you’re always tired, even after a full night’s sleep. These aren’t just random aches and pains. They’re your body’s way of saying: ‘Hey, something’s wrong’.
It’s easy to brush these signals off, thinking they’re just part of life. Maybe you take a painkiller and keep going. Or you tell yourself you’ll rest when you’re done with this project, this task, this day. But what if you don’t get another chance?
When you ignore these signals, you’re ignoring a cry for help. Your body can only handle so much before it shuts down. The longer you wait, the louder the signals get. And if you keep pushing, you might find yourself in a place where recovery isn’t as simple as a weekend off. Ask yourself: ‘Am I really OK, or am I just pretending to be?’ Listen to your body now, before it forces the issue. Whether it’s scheduling that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off, or simply taking a day to rest, your health depends on it.
Question 2: What Am I Sacrificing for the Sake of ‘Getting It All Done’?
We live in a culture that glorifies busyness. The more you do, the more successful you seem. But at what cost? Are you missing out on moments with your family? Are you sacrificing your hobbies, the things that bring you joy? Maybe it’s your sleep, your peace of mind, or even your health. When you’re constantly chasing the next task or the next goal, it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters.
But here’s the thing: no one ever looks back and wishes they’d spent more time working. They regret the time they didn’t spend with loved ones. The experiences they missed because they were too busy. The self-care they neglected because they thought they could handle just a little bit more. Ask yourself: ‘What am I giving up, and is it worth it?’ If you’re always sacrificing today for tomorrow, you might wake up one day and realize that tomorrow never came.
You don’t have to do it all. You just need to do what’s important. The rest can wait.
Question 3: How Close Am I to Burnout?
Burnout doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a slow, creeping process. One day, you’re fine, pushing through the stress. The next, you’re exhausted, unmotivated, and wondering how you got here. Burnout is the result of chronic stress – stress that goes unchecked, stress that you think you can handle … until you can’t.
But here’s the truth: you don’t have to reach burnout. You can stop it before it starts. The key is recognizing the warning signs. Are you constantly tired, even after sleeping? Do you dread going to work, facing your responsibilities? Have you lost the passion you once had? These are red flags that shouldn’t be ignored.
Burnout doesn’t just affect your work; it affects every part of your life. Ask yourself: ‘Am I on the brink of burnout?’ Your relationships, your health, your happiness – all of it suffers when you’re burned out.
Give yourself permission to rest. You’re not a machine – but even if you were, all machines need maintenance. You need time to recharge. Protect your energy before burnout takes it from you.
Question 4: Am I Truly Happy with My Life Right Now?
Happiness is more than just a smile on your face. It’s a deep, lasting sense of contentment. It’s knowing that you’re living a life that aligns with your values, that you’re surrounded by people who lift you up. But stress can cloud your happiness. It can make you feel like you’re just going through the motions, living a life that isn’t really yours.
When was the last time you stopped and asked yourself if you’re truly happy? Not just content, but genuinely fulfilled? It’s easy to get so caught up in the daily grind that you forget to check in with yourself.
Ask yourself: ‘Is this the life I want to be living?’ If you’re not happy, it’s time to make a change. Life is too short to spend it in a state of stress, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction.
What’s missing? What needs to change? You deserve to be happy, and the first step to finding that happiness is acknowledging where you are right now.
Question 5: What Will It Take for Me to Put My Health First?
Your health is your most valuable asset. Without it, nothing else matters. But too often, health takes a backseat to everything else – work, family, responsibilities. You tell yourself you’ll get to it later. But what if later never comes? What if waiting too long means you won’t get another chance?
Ask yourself: ‘What will it take for me to put my health first?’ Putting your health first isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. It’s the foundation for everything else in your life. When you’re healthy, you have the energy, focus, and strength to take on whatever comes your way. But when you neglect your health, everything else falls apart. Your work suffers. Your relationships strain. Your happiness dwindles.
Your health is worth it. You are worth it. Take care of yourself now, before a crisis forces you to.
The biggest learning you take away from experiencing a crisis is the realization that without your health, everything else falls apart.
Suddenly, the things you once thought were important – work deadlines, social events, even material possessions – don’t seem to matter as much. You realize that your health is the bedrock of your life. It’s what gives you the energy and strength to do all the things you love. But when that foundation is weakened, everything else starts to crumble. You can’t enjoy your success, your relationships, or your life if you’re not well.
You’ve got that realization now, so instead of waiting for a crisis to make demands on your life that will cost you dearly to pay, take this as your wake-up call:
Your health isn’t something you can afford to ignore or put off until later. It’s the most important thing you have.
So, take care of it now, before you’re forced to by a crisis. Because at the end of the day, NOTHING else matters as much as your health.
Written by Bronwen Sciortino, CEO & Founder OF sheIQ Life and is proudly based in Perth, Western Australia. Bronwen Sciortino is an International Author & Simplicity Expert and
provides in-depth insights into simplifying health and wellness solutions. If you're a busy, stressed and overwhelmed individual you'll benefit from Bronwen's knowledge on how to create simple, practical and easy steps to live life in a very different way. As a leader in the health & wellness industry, Bronwen’s books and programs have received international critical acclaim and 5-star reviews and she is sought as a media expert globally.
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Read more about Bronwen Sciortino