Anneke Thordsen, Founder & Managing Director of
Anneke Thorsden supports high-performing women to thrive as leaders and live their best lives. She talks to The Industry Leaders about how her own career burn-out led her down a path of helping others, and how women who allow their inner Queen to reign, inspire her.
How did you end up sitting where you are today?
How long do you have?!
In a nutshell – a lot of conditioning and limiting beliefs led me to hyper-achieve in a super career as a partner in a professional services company, living a totally unbalanced life, and burn out! And then the search began – for my confidence, my value, for peace of mind. The beauty is that a decision is all you need to start the self-evolution ball rolling and re-shape your destiny.
Today, I can live out my passion for empowering other dynamic high-achieving women to turn overwhelm, anxiety, and stress into resilience, fulfilment, and calm.
What kind of work does your role involve?
Mentoring professional women is what I thrive on – getting to know them and seeing them in their totality, supporting them in creating new empowering rituals, habits, and beliefs in as little as six months! Through webinars, coaching, and technology, we join forces on a transformational journey to emotional and mental fitness – bringing them home to a new emotional state. Once they commit to themselves and start actively participating in creating their lives, instead of just managing their conditions, I get to be amazed by their breakthrough in every aspect of life.
What gets you excited about your industry?
Where to start??
Self-improvement is about really "seeing yourself", understanding your story and how it creates your life. More importantly, it's about how to change that story you thought defined your identity, to become "more you". Once you have more of yourself available, you can begin to use stress and challenges to your advantage and propel yourself to the next level of happiness and success!
What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?
I have collected countless nuggets of wisdom from so many likely, and unlikely, sources – it's tough to single out one piece of advice. We tend to find the right piece of advice when we are ready for it!
I guess one tip that pulls a lot of this together was from Tony Robbins, "For things to change, YOU have to change – for things to get better, YOU have to get better", better at knowing and understanding yourself and your story, and being YOU.
What, or who inspires you?
Any woman taking charge of her own growth and allowing her inner Queen to "wield" in her story, truly inspires me. This is especially true when she starts using that power and knowledge to uplift other women still struggling in the space of limitation, lack, and fear - encouraging them to find and live their purpose - the full version of their lives – inside or outside a super career.
How do you keep up to speed with what's happening in the industry?
I am a sucker for online challenges by other industry players – Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Gina DeVee, and many others! I am a complete learning addict and book junkie – I have to reign myself in every now and then to not get "too far off this planet," and I love podcasts and taking part in chat rooms. But in reality – the knowledge is within ourselves already, and in committing to a daily practice of stillness and non-judgment, we gain access to that knowledge hidden away underneath the mind turbulence.
What was the most challenging project or assignment you've worked on?
In one word – MYSELF: my story. I created the story during my childhood and that I have taken on as my identity. It takes immense courage to open the door to your own limiting beliefs, habits, and thoughts – but the reward is immeasurable. And I couldn't do it without the encouragement and support of mentors and coaches who believed in me and guided me along the way with wisdom and empathy.
You finish work today and step outside the office to find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?
I'd offer every woman I know a ticket to the Mindvalley LIFEBOOK program for sure! And if there was anything left, I would definitely invest in a family chef!
How do you switch off after a day at work?
I don't want to switch off! My days are pure exhilaration – learning from my clients every step of the way, gaining more self-awareness every moment and re-shaping my story all the time. But I do make sure to bookend my day with stillness – 30 minutes in the early morning and again late afternoon - spending some time in nature, enjoying yoga as often as I can and connecting with my family over at least two meals a day.
If you had one wish for the future of your industry, what would it be?
To be fully recognized as the "go-to" place for anyone desiring wealth, health, and happiness without the "no pain, no gain" message. This offers the keys to inner peace and true success.
What book or podcast should everyone know about?
Can I give three?
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Dr Deepak Chopra
The Audacity to be Queen by Gina DeVee
Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine
How should people connect with you?
I am on Instagram, Facebook, and Clubhouse @annekethordsen, and my webpage is
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